Our humans insisted we try out these very new EV cars. First of all, how humiliating that they let Phoebe drive the right handed one! Honestly, she has no concept of right or left, but that didn't seem to matter.
It also didn't seem to matter that we really never were actually inside these vehicles. Imagination, said the human! Imagination! Very funny. If you are going to force me to have imagination, it sure as heck will not be about an EV. Couture maybe. Jambon, yes. Ice cream, yes. A knuckle bone, yes! And smelly worms. Yes yes yes! But not this stuff.
Anyway, we voted for the purple one. It really is the tidiest and the cutest of them all. The second one, Coda, is made by a specialty American company, but made entirely in China. Even I know something is not quite right about that. The tiny tiny silver one, Smera is Parisian and you can buy it now in Paris. The only odd thing is that you can have a passenger in back, or a package. Every time I would pick the package so that probably won't work for me and Phoebe. It is like half a smart car.
And the little purple one is called i-Mi from Mitsubishi. Available only in Japan, it is very expensive! Way more than any couture that I would own. We like that one the best but so far Mitsubishi is not impressed with our modeling job and won't gift us the car. I even told them my name was Angelina Jolly but that didn't work either. Sigh.
Anyway, as silly as it is, here we are. Driving. What will they think of next? Having us skipper a sailboat? Flying a Lear? Or running a new Dyson around the house?
Can anyone send for me? I need a vacation!
Love, Lulu
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