You call this a meatball sub? Got some spare thumbs?
Lulu's ears make up half her overall size if measured end to end. Ok. Almost half her size. Lately they've been giving her problems. She has had more ear gunk problems since last spring than any one puppy should. We've treated it with the standard stuff, with antibiotics, with cleaning, with goop (an official word in the ear cleaning world) and by making sure Phoebe doesn't help and try to lick everything off.
She's visited the vet to the tune of a small college fund and we are still no closer to solving the mystery. She is not flaking, scabbing or having other skin or hair issues anywhere else and she seems to be having relatively minor outdoor allergy issues this year.
It's a mystery. And now her ears are peeling on the outside, on the back of the ear. She seems to relish having it peeled. Think sunburn and pesky skin (ok, somewhat gross). Scared me the first time. I thought it was gunk (another official term) that she had gotten into and wasn't I shocked to find I was peeling off her ear, skin and hair included. The interesting part - if you are still with me here - is that she loved it. Go figure. If I look at her funny, she pouts or whines, but peel the skin, and hey, she rolls around in happiness.
You'd think she would have bald spots, but not. The space where it peeled looks normal and has hair. Almost like she had a double layer of ear back there?
Today, she squealed an unhappy chorus when we rubbed her left ear so we investigated and it is scabbing and peeling on the inside. No odor. No dark gunk.
Mystery. I'll update when we talk to the vet/or visit the vet again. Perhaps it is time for another donation to her kid's college fund? But whatever. It's for a good cause.
Meantime, Lulu is fat and happy, sleeping it off. Tim thinks she has selective hearing these days. I think her hearing is at issue with all this. Let's hope we get the mystery solved. Soon.
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