Dear Diary,
Lulu and I are really sorry for not being around for a bit. First off, it is really hard to get on the computer cause our mom hogs it. Have you ever tried to offer a dog treat to a human ? And they won't let us near the chocolate! So I can't train her at all! Humph.
Last weekend was mother's day and we both sent cards to our moms. The dog moms. We aren't sure where they live anymore, but that's ok. We know that they loved us once and were happy we went to live in a good home. If only they knew! Ok. Seriously, for mother's day we really went all out. First we didn't bark much at all which is a great gift. I thought of that one. And Lulu got mom a really nice stick. It is lovely. Mom stuck in a glass and made all kinds of leaky noises over it. Really. What a suck up Lulu is. I thought not barking much was way better.
Anyway, our grandparents were here too, and we took them, oh, ok, the humans took them to brunch, and dinner, and San Francisco. All without us. Now that really was a bummer, but we were really really good at home alone. We got cookies and the run of the place and Lulu didn't do too much damage on the credit card. Just wait till the Prada arrives! And I ordered some bully sticks since mom never gives us any. We just have to make sure to catch the UPS guy first. By the way, he sure is cute. Do they make them all that cute cause we sure have had that kind of luck. Although the other guy liked us better and let us go in his truck. This one just gives us a look, but wow, what a look it is!
Mom made us some more food today and it smelled just perfect. I can't say I enjoy the broccoli, but I know that Lulu does. I prefer the spinach myself. The chicken is always just perfect and this time she precooked the brown rice so it really is soft instead of crunchy. Much tastier.
If anyone wants visitors for sometime in the summer, just let us know. I think we need a vacation. And some time on the computer. Perhaps we should get iphones? I've tried an ipod and I am pretty sure that I could hit the right keys on the iphone if I practiced. Of course, Lulu has smaller digits and could probably do a better job. Maybe if I tell her she can twitter....
Don't worry. I know when to use the computer now. Mom does spend a bit of time in the loo.......
oops - got to go!
Love and kisses,
Kosmo here, My sis Penny and I would love to have you come visit us in Phoenix, AZ but i think you two might melt cause it gets to a billion degrees here. maybe we could all go on vacation to Hawaii.