Dear Diary,
Two days after it was 800 below, it was 97 degrees in the shade. I don't know about you, but our paws just can't take it anymore! I am afraid we will need to order some footwear if this keeps up. The sidewalks were warm enough to toast the toes, cook a kibble, and dry the poop in no time flat.
Phoebe and I sent a note to Al Gore to ask him about this. He sent us back a copy of some Truthiness movie. We tried to watch it but fell asleep. I think that if there was better music it might have kept our attention.
Anyway, we had a few days of that miserable toastiness and then voila! This morning it was cold enough for a sweater (but guess who forgot to get them out for us...Mom!). A girl cannot poop very well while shivering. It gets all over and some of us don't like that. At all! But enough about that.
We got a new bed for our nighttime hotel called a crate. It is the very first one ever that came with movable sides so we don't have to press against the cold walls. Good one mom! And thanks to Auntie Miyon for finding it first. It really is comfy and soft. And as long as Phoebe doesn't goober it up with snot we should be good. She did barf up a pea from her dinner the other night, slept on it and then left it there the next day. I could have slapped her silly! The humans close the door to the hotel during the day and that pea spent all day sitting there. Good thing I got there first that next night! I was coveting the pea all day long. Nothing like a used dried pea to take the edge off.
Got to go and stand in front of my dresser drawer now until my mom figures out I will need a fleece for our walk in the morning. She is a pretty good mom, but man, is it hard to train her sometimes. Since I am not allowed to have chocolate, training her with treats is tough. She really prefers chocolate to diced dried carrots. Wouldn't you know.
I understand, at least as much as I can when they speak in English, that we are going for a nice walk on Saturday. Hope there are coffee shops on that walk. I am really craving croissants and a latte.
Bye for now,
Love, Lulu
Lulu and Phoebe? We miss you, write soon!