Dearest Diary,
Hi there, Phoebe here. Lulu is taking a break because she refuses to leave the kitchen. She thinks if she stays in her lovebucket in the kitchen long enough, our mom will keep giving her treats. It's been week now, and the only time she leaves is when our mom puts the leash on and carries her outside. Honestly, I am getting annoyed. Sometimes I keep her company, but that is so boring.
I need someone to play with me. Someone to chase me. Someone to pretend to take the toy away. I've reasoned with her. I've bribed her. I even told her she could have my treats, but nothing doing. I am going to have send an anonymous note to the humans about this if she doesn't cut it out soon!
In other news, we are back online again. Mom has had lots of meltdowns this past week. First her computer broke and dad built her a new one. Then the internet, whatever that is, went on vacation without providing adequate back up coverage. I hear you can get fired for that! Then it would come back really slow like and then not at all. Then the repair guy would show up (he was fun!) and nothing would work.
Finally, mom bought a bag of miniature tootsie rolls and everything is ok again. I guess the internet came back from vacation because I am writing this and it works. Too bad. I liked the internet repair guy cause he told me stories about his dog. He had lots of stories cause he was here all day long. I wonder if Comcast cares that the repair guy was at our house all day and didn't get around to fixing anything?
I know how to get Lulu out of the kitchen! I will tell her I wrote in the diary. That will do it for sure!
Later dude.
Love, Pheebs
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