Tuesday, March 31, 2009

Hey? Where's My Hot Water?

Dear Diary,

Today we have no hot water. None. So Phoebe and I cannot have our morning soak in the tub. But nice to know that one can submit a work order online. Hopefully that will get some attention quickly because a dog and her bath should not be parted.

And the only reason we could submit it online easily is because our dad built us a new computer this weekend. Some dads make pancakes, others make tree houses. Our dad makes new computers from parts. While we slept through most of it, we certainly were excited to see that it works. Now all I need is that pesky credit card that mom hid somewhere safe. Wherever the chocolate is, we know that is where the credit card will be!

Phoebe and I are still enjoying our new house. Excuse me, apartment home, as they call it. We especially enjoy the carpets and the kitchen. Mom got some new kitchen stools that Phoebe can reach, but I have a tough time because I am only 12 inches tall. Don't they make shorter ones? I will have to practice because it isn't fair that she gets to see the kitchen counter and I cannot.

I must run now diary. I have to go nap before nap time is up. Then it is walk time. Then it will be volley ball time, and after that, free swim, then snack and then rest time again, then dinner, then silent reading (hear that Phoebe?) and then bed. Phew. I need a nap.

Love, Lulu

Wednesday, March 25, 2009

We Like It!

Dear Diary,

We found you! It took days to get the computer back up and running cause someone killed the power supply (mom). But we waited patiently, depending. We love our new place. It has carpet so the BT500 is so much fun, and I (lulu) can tug with Phoebe all I want and she can't drag me around the house anymore. Perfection.

We like going for walks and sometimes meeting new dogs. Phoebe still thinks she owns the place and woofs at them, but mostly they just laugh at her. At night in our crate she asks me how come everyone laughs at her. I just can't figure out how to tell her that her ears wobble like weebles (look that one up people!) cause it might hurt her feelings. She has no idea that her ears flop.

The place is small so we don't get lost as much, and it is much easier to know when the humans are making food cause the kitchen is in the middle of it all. We even have beds in the kitchen so we can hang out and catch stuff.

There is a big giant lap pool here yet we aren't allowed to use it. That is a shame because I ordered a wonderful new swimsuit from the Prada spring collection. Just don't tell. The credit card worked! But not a problem. I really just wanted to laze about in the sun anyway, and there are lots of rays on the patio.

I will get you some pictures soon Diary. First we have to find the camera. Hard to believe that the humans can drive that tin can we call a limo, let alone pack a lunch or our stuff.

And yes, our toys were the first to be unpacked. Actually they were never packed. However, someone put them up high because a certain floppy eared girl was taking advantage and undoing the seams again.....

Good to be back. Now, if only I could find the credit card again. I found a sunhat to go with the swimsuit.

Later Diary.

Love, Lulu and the pesky Phoebe

Monday, March 16, 2009

More Adventures in Moving

Dear Diary,

Mon dieu! I found you! I thought you were lost, but you were just under a giant pile of stuffs. Mom finally moved around the piles and there you were.

We are down to the week when the mover's show up. At least the guy looks like Kevin Spacey so that's ok with me. The humans have moved a lot of our stuff over to the new place, including our dishes and food. But we are still in the old place. Do you have any idea how awful a stale bologna sandwich tastes? Ick.

We still have things to move over, but I guess later today we have to help our Mom put away the food in the cupboards. I think she is counting on our help because the bottom cupboards are only made for people who are about 12 inches tall. Phoebe and I are the right height! We'd be glad to help put the food away.

I promise to get the camera out and take photos of the new place soon. It is not too bad. The good part is that it is close to Gordie's house and there is tons of grass for us. The bad part is that there aren't enough rooms for me to hide from Phoebe.

It'll be better once my sofa is there. With my blanket on it. In the sunshine. Hear that, Mom?

Love, Lulu

Saturday, March 7, 2009

We Have a Boyfriend Named Gordie

Dear Diary,

My parents need to go away more often. We got to spend the day at Auntie Robin's house with my boyfriend, Gordie. I couldn't believe how long it had been since we had seen each other! Holy smokes, he has a mustache now! He said I have better curves too. Robin didn't even notice when we went off in the other room alone. We didn't do anything but talk, honest! He is such a good listener.

Lulu played with us, but she was way more interested in what was cooking in the kitchen. She sure enjoys the kitchen. We had to take a nap or two, but that was ok. I got to snuggle up with my boyfriend.

I hope our mom realizes that I need to visit with Gordie more often. We have to meet in real life cause we don't have email. That sucks. But my mom says we will be living close to Gordie when we move real soon. Don't get me started on the piles of stuff here. I have to keep digging Lulu out of the mess!

I love you Gordie! Phoebe and Gordie together forever.... Lulu says hey.

We sure did sleep really well later on. Wow.



Wednesday, March 4, 2009

Desparately Seeking Lulu

Dear Diary,

Phoebe here. You should see my house! It is a mess. I love it. My mom does not though and she is pretty cranky. I try to cheer her up bringing her balls and toys but she is not in the mood for slimy things I guess. I can't find Lulu. I think she still might be buried under the pile of stuff. Or one of the piles. I thought I heard a snore, so I guess she is still breathing.

I've kept an eye on our stuff and so far she hasn't tossed any of it into the "go" pile which is good. I would hate to have my favorite toys go away. Right now she is cleaning out the office and I guess there are things she hasn't seen in years. I don't understand what that means because time is kind of confusing, but if it was something to eat, that would be really cool! Old food is the best. But so far it is just stuff that goes into the pile to "go".

Can anyone tell me where "go" actually is? I keep hearing both my mom and dad saying that and I am not sure. I hope that they don't make me "go" too. I've been really really good and I hide in my lovebucket so I won't get in the way.

Too bad she isn't cleaning out the kitchen yet. That could be lots of fun!

I'd better go find Lulu. It's been two days now.


Love, Phoebe

Tuesday, March 3, 2009

We're Moving. Not the Diary. Our House. We're Packed!

Dearest Diary,

I am so sorry for not writing yesterday, but I thought I lost you! The woman seems to be gathering things and making big piles of stuff. I think I know why. It was a busy weekend. We went to so many places the pee mail is all confused - I can't remember who sent what. But the last place we went had some really great wi-fi pee mail spots. And there was this hovel thing that had carpet and a giant steel box that looks like the same thing that holds our dinner stuff here. I am pretty sure I heard them talking about how we will love living there.

At first I was terrified because I thought we were getting a divorce from our parents, and were being sent to live there, but it turns out we are all going to live there. Good thing because neither I nor Phoebe can open that giant box ourselves to get our food out. At least there is carpet so our butts will stay warm.

And it is really close to Gordie's house cause I could smell some of his pee-mail. Ok. I didn't smell it. Mom told me.

Phoebe doesn't know that other people live there too, like tons of other people so she starts to woof at them like she owns the place. Funny! I wonder how long that will last? There is a big pool, and we love pools, but I heard that we can't go in there. Not fair. There should be dog hours since so many of us live here.

So I guess that is why there are so many piles around. It is small so we have to get rid of lots of stuff. But she better not touch one toy! Those are going with us! She could get rid of the thing with bars, you know, the jails. That would be ok. I am pretty sure I could get Phoebe to sign a no eating furniture contract. But it will cost her. I am sure I will have to pay Phoebe in loofas or kongs.

More later. Gotta climb out from under this pile cause I can't breath! You'd think she'd figure out she buried the computer?

Love you Diary,
